Henderson Fully Supports “Hong Kong Water Race 2019”

The seventh "Hong Kong Water Race 2019" has been held on 14 April 2019 on Tin Fai Road, Tin Shui Wai. HENDERSON LAND GROUP Property Management Department –“Team of Care” has nearly 30 volunteers to participate “Hong Kong Water 2019” and received the Champion of Active participation Award, in order to promote the concept of water footprint to the participants and arouse public awareness of water crisis. Daily consumption and pollution by human activities causes water scarcity in the world, and the problem is worsening. "Water Footprint" is thus an indicator of water use that refers to the total volume of freshwater directly and indirectly used to produce goods and services. Understanding this concept allows us be aware of the impact of our daily life to water resources, in order to make wise decision on sustainable way of living, and conserve the precious water for our next generation. "Hong Kong Water Race" has been organized by Wofoo Social Enterprises, co-organized by Water Supplies Department and The Open University of Hong Kong, and sponsored by The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited. Through the means of city orienteering, this project strives to promote the concept of water footprint to the participants and arouse public awareness of water crisis. Participants will be requested to visit scenic spots and public amenities around designated area, and complete tasks related to "water" at the spots.