Qualifications Framework partners
Henderson Land Group Property Management Department (Well Born) has received Gold Certificate of Commendation of “Recognition of Prior Learning” and Certificate of Commendation of “SCS-based Courses” by Education Bureau and Qualification Framework in commendation of Partnerships active support and development of Qualifications Framework. The presentation ceremony was inaugurated officially by Mr Eddie Ng Hak-kim, SBS, JP, Secretary for Education. With the advent of globalisation, rapid advances and popularisation in technologies and Hong Kong's further transformation into a knowledge-based economy, the local workforce should be better equipped to enhance its capabilities and competitiveness. In order to ensure sustainable manpower development amidst the rapidly changing world, the Education Bureau (EDB) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) officially launched the Qualifications Framework (QF) in Hong Kong on 5 May 2008. The QF in Hong Kong (HKQF) is a seven-level hierarchy covering qualifications in the academic, vocational and professional as well as continuing education sectors to promote and support lifelong learning with a view to continuously enhancing the quality, professionalism and competitiveness of our workforce in an increasingly globalised and knowledge-based economy.